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I am Sharon Ogren, 

I offer impactful coaching for personal and professional growth and fulfillment. My sessions provide a positive and supportive space for explorations and inspiration.


 I help you with


Coaching provides invaluable support for working mothers navigating various transitions in their lives. Whether you are returning to work after maternity leave, shifting to a new role, moving to a different city, going through a divorce, or seeking a better work-life balance, coaching is tailored to address your specific challenges and objectives. Coaching empowers you to handle changes effectively, enabling success in both your professional and personal endeavors.

Motivation and Engagement 

Housework and childcare responsibilities can be draining for working mothers. If you find yourself going through the motions rather than fully embracing life, it's crucial to regain control. Don't let the routine blur the beauty and possibilities that surround you. You have the ability to live consciously and connect more profoundly with the world. Coaching can help you develop techniques to enhance awareness, motivation, and satisfaction in your daily life.


A lack of confidence among working mothers can pose a significant barrier to reaching our objectives. Whether you are aiming for a promotion, interested in nurturing your relationships, or wanting to seize an opportunity, a lack of confidence can impede your progress. Confidence helps us become more inclined to explore new ventures and to chase our goals without fear of setbacks. It empowers us to trust in our capabilities, express our needs, and tackle obstacles. Coaching can support you in cultivating confidence, pursuing your aspirations, and presenting yourself the way that you want to.


Our strengths are the positive qualities that define us, and they influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. While many tend to concentrate on their weaknesses or lesser strengths for improvement, a more effective approach is to focus on our strongest attributes and explore how we can shape our lives around them. Enhancing our key strengths can boost our energy, confidence, and drive. Moreover, they enable us to be better parents and support our children in developing their own strengths. Coaching helps you learn to identify and enhance strengths in yourself and in others and align your life around them.


As a working mother, balancing the demands of a career and family can often feel like a juggling act. That's where goals coaching can truly make a difference. By setting clear objectives and creating a plan to achieve them, we can effectively manage our time and energy, prioritize tasks, and work towards both our professional and personal aspirations. With the right structure and support, it is possible to thrive in both realms and to enjoy success in the workplace while still being present for your loved ones. Dream big! You are capable of achieving great things and coaching offers you the support you need along the way.

Social Skills

Effective social skills are crucial for working mothers to successfully balance the demands of our careers and family obligations. These skills allow for clear communication and increased empathy. They also help us establish strong support networks and nurture positive relationships, resolve conflicts skillfully,  and promote teamwork and support in both our personal and professional settings. Additionally, social skills play a key role in professional advancement, as they open the door to improved job prospects, leadership positions, and increased job satisfaction. Coaching can support you in refining your social skills within a positive and non-judgmental environment.

Emotional Skills

Emotional skills are essential in our daily interactions as they impact self-management, relationships, and how we deal with different situations. Life presents numerous emotional challenges, especially for working mothers, who balance dual roles. These skills help us recognize and regulate emotions, offer support when necessary, navigate various emotional landscapes, create peaceful environments, and shape desired behaviors. Coaching can help you enhance your emotional skills. It helps you develop awareness around emotion, identify difficult emotion when they arise, and spot the triggers that bring them on. It also helps you come up with your preferred coping strategies for managing emotions and keeps you accountable for using them. 

Awareness and Self-Care

Self-awareness and self-care are crucial for our well-being. When we develop awareness of our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and of our attitudes toward ourselves, our lives, and others, we are better able to identify the changes we need to make to enhance our well-being, to take care of ourselves, and to be more present. As working mothers, we often take care of everyone and neglect to take care of ourselves. Coaching can help you gain awareness, develop a kinder attitude toward yourself, identify activities and people who deplete you and those who replete you, and create the structure that you need to prioritize your health, well-being, and success.

Positive Parenting

Positive parenting is an approach that focuses on strengths and on building strong and healthy relationships. It involves using clear communication, setting boundaries, and providing support and encouragement. When we utilize positive parenting techniques, we help. our children develop confidence, resilience, hope, a growth-mindset, and a positive outlook on life. This approach emphasizes empathy, active listening, understanding, and patience, and it helps us create a nurturing environment where our children (and us) can thrive. Positive parenting is not about being perfect, but rather about being present, loving, supportive, and skillful in guiding our children through life's challenges and triumphs.

Meaning and Purpose

Having a clear sense of meaning and purpose is essential for both our professional and personal lives. It helps increase our life satisfaction, resilience to stress, and self-worth, and it provides direction and fulfillment by keeping us focused and motivated. Moreover, feeling that our work has a purpose enhances our engagement, productivity, and success. This is particularly important for working mothers, as we juggle multiple responsibilities and often neglect to make time for reflections and alignment. Coaching can assist you in discovering your personal sense of meaning and purpose by exploring your values, passions, and dreams and aligning your life around them.

 Schedule a free consultation session

Why work with me?

I am a working mother who spent the last 8 years studying and practicing the science of strengths, well-being, and optimal functioning. I am dedicated to my clients and I utilize a wide array of evidence-based tools and techniques from the fields of positive psychology, coaching psychology, positive leadership, and positive change to help my clients grow and thrive.  


Coaching is

An empowering and structured partnership that helps you explore yourself, work through your limitations, and work toward your goals in a supportive, non-judgmental space.

Smiling girl

Coaching is NOT therapy/counseling - In coaching, I assume that you are psychologically healthy, resourceful, responsible, and capable of making decisions and taking actions toward growth. I do not direct you, provide you with answers, or tell you what you need. Rather, I empower you to discover what works and does not work for you. Coaching helps you tap into inner resources and make the changes you desire.

For Groups

I offer coaching and skills-training facilitation sessions for small groups. My sessions offer a supportive, empowering, and welcoming environment for meaningful conversation, growth, self-reflection, and self-care.

Do you offer a free consultation session?

Yes.  I offer a FREE online consultation session during which we can identify how I can support you.

What can I expect from working with you?

Expect to feel heard, inspired, supported, and motivated. Also except to have fun, to discover what limits you, to feel empowered, to reconnect to your meaning and purpose, to uncover your strengths, and to move toward your goals. 

What is coaching and positive psychology?

Coaching is the process of helping you move toward your goals, grow, and achieve positive changes that last. 


Positive psychology is a scientific field that focuses on the promotion of well-being, strengths, resilience, and optimal functioning.

What are your fees?

My fees vary according to the type of service and the length of commitment. Sessions range between $119-$300. I utilize a sliding scale according to a client's ability to pay and I offer payment plans. 

How many sessions would I need?

It depends. If you are used to coaching and you are coming to be coached on a specific issue, one or two sessions can be enough. However, if you are new to coaching; or if you want to explore yourself, your life, your relationships, or your career; or if you want to make big changes, it can take longer. 

What is your refund policy?

My aim is to be as helpful as I can. If, at any time, you feel that the my service is not meeting your needs, please let me know so we can discuss any changes that might be required. You have the right to terminate our agreement if it does not meet your needs and you will be refunded for any paid-for future sessions (but not for any sessions that already occurred.)

More questions?

What do you get out of coaching?

Whatever it is that brings you to coaching is usually something that you tried to tackle by yourself but encountered challenges. We all feel stuck or lost sometimes and have no idea how to move forward. We know that what we are doing is not working for us, but we don't know what needs to be changed or how to change it. Coaching provides you with a non-judgmental space to explore yourself, your thoughts, your feelings & your abilities. The process of coaching includes a structured conversation in which a skilled professional listens to you on a deeper level, supports you, provides you with unconditional positive regard, and is committed to keeping you moving forward.

Empathy isn’t talked about too much in the forefront of day to day or even in mainstream business but Sharon practices what she preaches. She’s doing her life’s work by combining personal, practical and scientific experience together. Positive psychology is highly personal because happiness means something different for all of us. By talking to Sharon, she’ll help you make that connection from where you are. You just need to start. Sharon’s empathy, active listening and her passion to create productive experiences to connect to your story of happiness are just a few reasons to work with her.


My commitment to you

I commit to being open-minded, non-judgmental, focused, considerate, respectful, and prepared. I also commit to provide support through careful listening, questioning, and constructive challenge. I am here to keep you accountable and to assist you in your development and growth by utilizing evidence-based tools and techniques.

Get in Touch


Looking forward to connecting!

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